Equipment Index Version 4 Complete

Hammering away at the Equipment Index has been a long slow slog - and it's not over. However, I feel that I have completed enough of the images to make it worth a look. This Equipment Index is designed for use with version 4 of the rules. Download it from Google. Thank you to Byrn for donating some models and weapon ideas to the book.

What's with the version numbers?

To make things more obvious in the future, I have numbered the Equipment Index version 4 - the same as the core ruleset it goes with. If purity is your game, then feel free to scrub out the 4 and write an 8 in instead. No doubt my players will - when they see it.

What version should I be playing?

A good question to come from the forums was about which version is best to play. Version 3.5 Elements, Society, Scavenger Setting and Equipment Index 7 are the solid play-tested version of Icar. The system is clunky in places but it does work. If you are keen to stay on the bleeding edge with an untested, unplayed version then you want 'Version 4', both Core rules and Equipment Index. There are no other books for Version 4 but those two together should be enough to play. Be warned that version 4 is not finished and might well change!