Society 2.0 Alpha

It's been a long time coming but the Society Alpha is now here. No doubt there is stuff I've missed out of it (all the graphics, for a start) but I think I've covered the major parts of the game world in this one. It does need a few people to read through it and let me know what I might have missed (for experienced Icarers) or not explained well (everyone else). I'm not particularly interested in places where it says 'see picture' and there isn't one because I am re-rendered all of those. If you find any typos, pRob Langlems or things missing, please do contact me.

Burntek's ChainSAW Range

For those more criminally insane out there, Andrew O'Byrne (Byrne) has created some more of his oversized weapons for you to download and try. The ChainSAW range is designed for strong humans who wish to deal a lot of damage. Of course, with this power comes the cost of ammo but I know my group will be investing in a few of these! Check out Byrne's deviantArt account for more of his renders. Thanks Byrn!