Work Restarted

My Uncle's website is mostly complete and new memory arrived for the laptop just before last week (when I was on holiday) so I have now restarted work on the Element's graphics. I am currently doing a number of really useful objects such as Mex Lifts, Grav Pads and a few technical diagrams (for grav engines etc). These will be definitely worth doing for the technical index but are pre-empted in the Elements. I am also bringing together a load of resources into the next Society book, which has its text but is in need of updating.

My campaign group are still hacking their way through every situation they come to - currently hacking apart my expeditionary setting with gay abandon.

Have you ever tried to run Icar but not managed to get it going? Have you played it a bit but run out of steam? Did your players 'pooh pooh' the idea of running it? What stopped you? Can I help? Please let me know what held you back (or what is holding you back) and I'll try to solve it!